An Emerging Supplier of Heavy Rare Earths AND NIOBIUM
Critical Metals for the Future
DY6 owns three highly prospective Heavy Rare Earths & Critical Metals Projects in Southern Malawi, a proven region for hosting economic REE deposits
HREEs & Nb
Ngala Hill
Pd-rich PGEs, Cu & Ni
RE Carbonatite Ring Complex
Latest Announcements
The Machinga Project
The Machinga Project is a significant HREE and Nb project which is ~40km east of Lindian’s (ASX: LIN) “Kangankunde”.
High grade HREE-Nb confirmed from RC and DD drill results at Machinga Central Zone.
Initial exploration focused on historical 2010 drill program for 4000m (Machinga North).
2023 Maiden Reverse Circulation and Diamond Core drill Assay significant results:
- 15.1m @ 1.01% TREO, 0.36% Nb2O5 from 23.9m (3.71% Dy/Tb/TREO) incl. 4m @ 1.75% TREO, 0.63% Nb2O5 from 33m (3.8% Dy/Tb/TREO) drilled downdip (MDD007).
- 13m @ 0.65% TREO, 0.25% Nb2O5 from surface; incl. 1m @ 1.06% TREO, 0.37% Nb2O5 from 7m, and 1m @ 1.28% TREO, 0.42% Nb2O5 from 9m (MR019).
- 7m @ 1.42% TREO with 0.49% Nb2O5 from 65m (MR011).
- 16m @ 0.54% TREO with 0.21% Nb2O5 from 78m, incl. 3m @ 1.63% TREO, 0.7% Nb2O5 from 87m (MR005).
The Salambidwe Project
The Salambidwe Project is a virgin rare earth carbonatite prospect with limited previous exploration.
The Salambidwe Ring Complex forms part of the Chilwa Alkaline Suite of southern Malawi and is approximately six kilometres in diameter.
DY6 has completed the initial geochemical and geophysical exploration programs at the Salambidwe REE and Nb project.
Assay results have been received for the grid-based soil and rock chip sampling. Results from the 128 soil and 386 rock chips expand the known area of anomalous responses. Maximum values from separate rock chip samples were 1.21% TREO & 0.12% Nb2O5.
The 45-line kilometre airborne geophysical program confirmed the highly concentric nature of the intrusive complex.
DY6 is assessing the combined geochemical and geophysical data to refine targets prior to a maiden drill program.
The Ngala Hill Project
The Ngala Hill Project is located 35 km south-southwest of Blantyre in southern Malawi.
The deposit is characterised as an outcropping ultramafic chonolith with widespread Pd-Pt-Au-Cu mineralisation that is palladium-rich.
No significant modern exploration has been undertaken on the prospect including no electromagnetics (EM) to target higher-grade massive sulphides. Three zones of palladium rich Pd, Pt, Au, Cu mineralisation have been identified to date.
The Tundulu Project
The Tundulu Project is a known carbonatite ring complex with abundant REE mineralisation.
Recent additional data includes 7,000m of drilling (55 holes) where results confirm Tundulu’s potential as a significant REE project enriched in REE mineralised carbonatites. Drilling averaged 127m drill depth, with multiple holes ending in mineralisation (TU105B, TU110, TU094, TU087, TU073).
REE mineralisation remains open towards southern and western directions of Nathace Hill and potentially extends beyond the boundaries of the previously established mineralised area over Tundulu Hill.